Was It Really A “Dark Day In America”…?

Was It Really A "Dark Day In America"...? When Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to the Supreme Court to fill the seat of Ruth Bader Ginsberg, I was reminded of a story I read,- about a similar 'dark day' mindset. The setting of that story was about 2000 years ago. But...

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Gerald and Thelma Davis   - DEMONS - FOR OUR FRIENDS AND PARTNERS -GREETINGS, What are demons? How do they operate? How does a person become inhabited by demons? What do demons do? How can we recognize a demon? Are they really real, and do they exist today? WHY THIS...

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 TWO CENTS – THE GREATEST GIFT? Uh... How does that compute? Jesus said the woman who gave two cents, gave more than all the rich people gave… How so?  I discovered in my early life, that God doesn’t think like I think. To we educated mortals, 2+2...

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WHERE IS HELL…and does it really exist?

  WHERE IS HELL…and does it really exist? I’ve entered a list of verses from the bible below that my reader can go to if you choose. QUESTIONS:  Is there a literal hell?  2. If so , where is it?  3. Do people really go there? 4. If so, why? My...

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OBTAINING THE PROMISES OF GOD... Many people have heard me teach as I traveled from church to church for a period of about 35 years, on the insights that God gave me for ‘successful living’ “now in this time.” And the borrow-free, debt-free lifestyle that God dreamed...

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…HE SAID WHAT?? “…people from all languages will take firm hold…of his robe and say;  ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.'”  (Zech.8:23) When the old prophet Zechariah made that statement to some covenant people, it really gave...

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