About Gerald Davis, D.D.
Gerald married Thelma in 1954 and has two sons, five grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren. His son, Jerry is an evangelist/pastor and son Tommy is a Christian businessman.
After 20 years of pastoring with a daily radio and television ministry, Gerald began his traveling ministry, which has taken him around the world. It is often said that every traveling minister should have experience in pastoral ministry. Gerald Davis is such a man. His ministry, anointing, and compassion reflect it. Pastor counseling is available via Skype, Facebook, and through our contact page.
Gerald has ministered for 60 years in numerous nations including Russia, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, Kenya, India, Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Haiti, and the Cayman Islands.
Gerald is committed to taking the Gospel to this generation, domestic & foreign. Helping, teaching, & training the local Pastors. He has preached in camp meetings, seminars, pastor’s conferences, and conventions. Gerald has four favorite themes:
- How to walk in strong faith.
- How to live the debt-free life.
- How to have and maintain material blessings.
- Living in the glory of the Holy Ghost.
Gerald has authored several books; some are printed in four languages. He has his earned Doctor of Divinity degree through Gulf Coast Seminary in Panama City, Florida.
Some of his peers have dubbed him, “The Preacher that makes the Bible come alive.” He has become a “Pastor At-Large,” because of his obvious concern for the local church.
Gerald’s mandate from God is, “Tell people how to get from now until dying time walking in success.”