It doesn’t matter, God loves us all.”

This is the response to me when I posed an open question about the “gay pride” lifestyle. I created an ‘offense’ to some who defend, promote and/or excuse that way of thinking and living. John the Baptist had his head removed because he spoke out against ‘sexual immorality’. It is not popular to openly oppose ‘gay pride’, – yes, even among some people who claim Jesus as their savior!

Read the story of Cushi and Ahimaaz in 2nd Samuel 18. Ahimaaz was the fastest runner, but his message was incomplete. Cushi was a little slower, but he had the full story of what happened in the battle. The message was not what David wanted to hear, but Cushi got the commendation from the King because he told the whole truth.  

I must tell, I will tell the whole story ….

We have just come through a full month of “gay pride” promotion here in our nation. It is my firm belief that this is the foundational foothold for most of the criminal and anti-god activities that are now happening in our nation.It flows with the commune (communistic) way of thinking and living. There is a clear lack of respect for God’s Word among this group.

 Consider this statement made by God to Moses when the plagues were coming on Egypt, –

in Exodus 11:7; “…among the Israelites not a dog will bark at any person or animal. Then you will know that the Lord ‘makes a distinction’ between Egypt (non-covenant people) and Israel. (God’s chosen nation) Yes, God makes a difference among people!  He protects those who follow His instructions.

Look at it now, among ‘God’s own people,’ in the New Testament. 1st Corinthians 10:3… “They all ate the same spiritual food and drank from the spiritual rock …and that rock was Christ. v.5 Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered in the wilderness…” V.8 ‘’We should not commit ‘sexual immorality’, as some of them did – and ‘in one day’ twenty-three thousand of them died. Do not test Christ, as some of them did, and were killed by snakes…and the destroying angel.” V.11 These things happened as examples…as warnings for us.” The twenty three thousand who died were believers, (covenant people) but they are ‘disobedient believers.

Consider Romans 11:22; “Behold, the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward you, goodness,- ’if you continue in His goodness.’ Otherwise, – you will be cut off.” (lose His protection.) EXAMPLE:  We choose death and destruction if we violate the law of gravity. All of God’s laws and rules are given for our own benefit and protection. If we violate them, we choose the fore-warned consequences. Violation of ‘sexually immoral laws’ is the foremost ‘divider of families’.


Clearly, God loves us all. No one questions that. But, – that doesn’t mean that He ‘approves’ of us all. He sent Jesus to pay the price for our sins. But if we don’t follow His clear path to deliverance and freedom we lose out on the ‘goodness of God” and we learn the hard facts about the “severity of God.”


I’m a faith preacher. I love to talk of His goodness and of His abundant blessings. But we cannot ignore the truth about ‘obedience to His instructions.’ Even if it seems grievous at the time. We are living in a time when the boldness and promotion of ‘this level of sinful living is over the top.’ Thirty days of promoting GAY PRIDE, – and using ‘God’s rainbow’ for the identifying symbol of this lifestyle? God said He hates that sin;- ( Sodom and Gomorrah!)

I am asking God-loving and God-fearing people, to pray with me for those who are trapped in this ‘sexually immoral’ lifestyle, – and pray also for those who are sympathetic toward it. We have no stones to throw. Our loving and kind Father is so quick to forgive when we ask. But people must ask for forgiveness. We cannot, we must not be passive about anything that God calls sin. Especially when it is being promoted on a national level.

This is not a pleasant subject, but when it is exploited and openly promoted unashamedly on the internet and television stations and news media across our Christian America, then I think it is time that God’s ‘preachers of righteousness’ and of His Word speak out about the hatred of this sin by our Heavenly Father. Let us stand up, like our Lord did, and speak out against wrong thinking and wrong living. Jesus was bold. He openly declared to the spiritually defiant Pharisees; ”you are of your father the devil.” 

God’s prophets are not, and should not ever be hateful – but we must tell the whole truth! Yes, God loves every person, – but He hates the sinning! We don’t box with God, – our arms are too short! We are not cowards; – we love what God loves and we hate what God hates. 

Is there an Amen out there…?

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