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My dearest friends and partners,

We were born the same year, 1936. We married in 1954. When we got married God made us one. After 69 years together, with two sons, five grands and 17 great grands, I given her to heaven,- ahead of me. Now half of me is in heaven where she waits for her other half to arrive. Aside from my salvation, which she had a strong part in, she was the greatest and best gift that God ever gave to me.

Thelma left us on August 21st.

Until I arrive there, I will continue to do the will of our Lord, and minister in one form or another. Aside from the rough road I am now traveling, with her gone,

I am physically doing OK. The Lords presence is with me so close. What would I do if I didn’t know where she was?  So,- “until then MY HEART will go on singing. Until then, with JOY I’ll  carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city,- until that day He calls ME home.” 

Then I’ll live with my beautiful Thelma for all eternity…..


                        MY CALLING

“The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance…” There is no such thing as retirement from the calling of God. We adjust in the methods we use according to our physical,  social and monetary abilities. You who are along in years, have no problem understanding that. At age 86, I severely miss the speaking engagements that I enjoyed doing for 53 years.

 But, – now I have many of those God given messages in books and periodicals that I have written over those years. 


Our books are being translated, printed and distributed free of charge (thanks to our partners) to Africans and Pakistani’s by the thousands. Most of these Pakistan people are Muslims. They appreciate everything they receive, but especially the books. WE are literally reaching the poor with the ‘living bread’ in our latter days as never before. According to God’s view, we count our blessings by ‘seed sown’, – not in what we receive. Receiving comes natural after sowing.

                                               LETTER FROM PUNJAB,PAKISTAN

Dear pastor Gerald Davis, Greetings from Punjab Pakistan…we need at east 500 copies    of both publications in Urdu language…our nearly 500 students will receive Bachelor and Master degrees in December and January…we will be very thankful if you can help our seminary with such soul-saving, refreshing and encouraging publications.

Rev/Dr. Asghar/ principal of Word Bible Seminary – Punjab, Pakistan

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They are so thankful for the books. We get lots of feedback showing their appreciation.


            U-TUBE CHANNEL

GERALD DAVIS MINISTRIES is now available on U-tube. Five video sermons are available there on SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES and others about DEBT FREE LIVING plus more. Because of these revelations, we haven’t had to borrow money since 1987. I plan to be adding fifteen minute videos weekly to these online messages, available for all to see. 

Just go to U tube and type in my name. 

Your prayers and partnership are what makes these outreaches possible. THANK YOU!



Prayer changes things. My prayer schedule on Sunday mornings has resumed, – 9:00 AM to 9:30. Skype radio station BPN. Can You pray with me then? We need to be in travail concerning the state of our nation. Let me agree with you on matters that you are dealing with. Write me at email gerald@geralddavis.org, or use the envelope enclosed. I will answer you and give you my words and prayer. Our partners are welcome to call me at 713 805 2289. My website is: www.geralddavisministries.org

I love you and I pray daily for you, 

Your friend, partner and evangelist for our Lord,

Gerald Davis 

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My dearest friends and partners,

We were born the same year, 1936. We married in 1954. When we got married God made us one. After 69 years together, with two sons, five grands and 17 great grands, I given her to heaven,- ahead of me. Now half of me is in heaven where she waits for her other half to arrive. Aside from my salvation, which she had a strong part in, she was the greatest and best gift that God ever gave to me.

Thelma left us on August 21st.

Until I arrive there, I will continue to do the will of our Lord, and minister in one form or another. Aside from the rough road I am now traveling, with her gone,

I am physically doing OK. The Lords presence is with me so close. What would I do if I didn’t know where she was?  So,- “until then MY HEART will go on singing. Until then, with JOY I’ll  carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city,- until that day He calls ME home.” 

Then I’ll live with my beautiful Thelma for all eternity…..


                        MY CALLING

“The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance…” There is no such thing as retirement from the calling of God. We adjust in the methods we use according to our physical,  social and monetary abilities. You who are along in years, have no problem understanding that. At age 86, I severely miss the speaking engagements that I enjoyed doing for 53 years.

 But, – now I have many of those God given messages in books and periodicals that I have written over those years. 


Our books are being translated, printed and distributed free of charge (thanks to our partners) to Africans and Pakistani’s by the thousands. Most of these Pakistan people are Muslims. They appreciate everything they receive, but especially the books. WE are literally reaching the poor with the ‘living bread’ in our latter days as never before. According to God’s view, we count our blessings by ‘seed sown’, – not in what we receive. Receiving comes natural after sowing.

                                               LETTER FROM PUNJAB,PAKISTAN

Dear pastor Gerald Davis, Greetings from Punjab Pakistan…we need at east 500 copies    of both publications in Urdu language…our nearly 500 students will receive Bachelor and Master degrees in December and January…we will be very thankful if you can help our seminary with such soul-saving, refreshing and encouraging publications.

Rev/Dr. Asghar/ principal of Word Bible Seminary – Punjab, Pakistan

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They are so thankful for the books. We get lots of feedback showing their appreciation.


            U-TUBE CHANNEL

GERALD DAVIS MINISTRIES is now available on U-tube. Five video sermons are available there on SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES and others about DEBT FREE LIVING plus more. Because of these revelations, we haven’t had to borrow money since 1987. I plan to be adding fifteen minute videos weekly to these online messages, available for all to see. 

Just go to U tube and type in my name. 

Your prayers and partnership are what makes these outreaches possible. THANK YOU!



Prayer changes things. My prayer schedule on Sunday mornings has resumed, – 9:00 AM to 9:30. Skype radio station BPN. Can You pray with me then? We need to be in travail concerning the state of our nation. Let me agree with you on matters that you are dealing with. Write me at email gerald@geralddavis.org, or use the envelope enclosed. I will answer you and give you my words and prayer. Our partners are welcome to call me at 713 805 2289. My website is: www.geralddavisministries.org

I love you and I pray daily for you, 

Your friend, partner and evangelist for our Lord,

Gerald Davis 

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My dearest friends and partners,

We were born the same year, 1936. We married in 1954. When we got married God made us one. After 69 years together, with two sons, five grands and 17 great grands, I given her to heaven,- ahead of me. Now half of me is in heaven where she waits for her other half to arrive. Aside from my salvation, which she had a strong part in, she was the greatest and best gift that God ever gave to me.

Thelma left us on August 21st.

Until I arrive there, I will continue to do the will of our Lord, and minister in one form or another. Aside from the rough road I am now traveling, with her gone,

I am physically doing OK. The Lords presence is with me so close. What would I do if I didn’t know where she was?  So,- “until then MY HEART will go on singing. Until then, with JOY I’ll  carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city,- until that day He calls ME home.” 

Then I’ll live with my beautiful Thelma for all eternity…..


                        MY CALLING

“The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance…” There is no such thing as retirement from the calling of God. We adjust in the methods we use according to our physical,  social and monetary abilities. You who are along in years, have no problem understanding that. At age 86, I severely miss the speaking engagements that I enjoyed doing for 53 years.

 But, – now I have many of those God given messages in books and periodicals that I have written over those years. 


Our books are being translated, printed and distributed free of charge (thanks to our partners) to Africans and Pakistani’s by the thousands. Most of these Pakistan people are Muslims. They appreciate everything they receive, but especially the books. WE are literally reaching the poor with the ‘living bread’ in our latter days as never before. According to God’s view, we count our blessings by ‘seed sown’, – not in what we receive. Receiving comes natural after sowing.

                                               LETTER FROM PUNJAB,PAKISTAN

Dear pastor Gerald Davis, Greetings from Punjab Pakistan…we need at east 500 copies    of both publications in Urdu language…our nearly 500 students will receive Bachelor and Master degrees in December and January…we will be very thankful if you can help our seminary with such soul-saving, refreshing and encouraging publications.

Rev/Dr. Asghar/ principal of Word Bible Seminary – Punjab, Pakistan

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They are so thankful for the books. We get lots of feedback showing their appreciation.


            U-TUBE CHANNEL

GERALD DAVIS MINISTRIES is now available on U-tube. Five video sermons are available there on SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES and others about DEBT FREE LIVING plus more. Because of these revelations, we haven’t had to borrow money since 1987. I plan to be adding fifteen minute videos weekly to these online messages, available for all to see. 

Just go to U tube and type in my name. 

Your prayers and partnership are what makes these outreaches possible. THANK YOU!



Prayer changes things. My prayer schedule on Sunday mornings has resumed, – 9:00 AM to 9:30. Skype radio station BPN. Can You pray with me then? We need to be in travail concerning the state of our nation. Let me agree with you on matters that you are dealing with. Write me at email gerald@geralddavis.org, or use the envelope enclosed. I will answer you and give you my words and prayer. Our partners are welcome to call me at 713 805 2289. My website is: www.geralddavisministries.org

I love you and I pray daily for you, 

Your friend, partner and evangelist for our Lord,

A picture containing textDescription automatically generated
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A person smiling for the cameraDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
A person and person posing for a pictureDescription automatically generated with low confidence


My dearest friends and partners,

We were born the same year, 1936. We married in 1954. When we got married God made us one. After 69 years together, with two sons, five grands and 17 great grands, I given her to heaven,- ahead of me. Now half of me is in heaven where she waits for her other half to arrive. Aside from my salvation, which she had a strong part in, she was the greatest and best gift that God ever gave to me.

Thelma left us on August 21st.

Until I arrive there, I will continue to do the will of our Lord, and minister in one form or another. Aside from the rough road I am now traveling, with her gone,

I am physically doing OK. The Lords presence is with me so close. What would I do if I didn’t know where she was?  So,- “until then MY HEART will go on singing. Until then, with JOY I’ll  carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city,- until that day He calls ME home.” 

Then I’ll live with my beautiful Thelma for all eternity…..


                        MY CALLING

“The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance…” There is no such thing as retirement from the calling of God. We adjust in the methods we use according to our physical,  social and monetary abilities. You who are along in years, have no problem understanding that. At age 86, I severely miss the speaking engagements that I enjoyed doing for 53 years.

 But, – now I have many of those God given messages in books and periodicals that I have written over those years. 


Our books are being translated, printed and distributed free of charge (thanks to our partners) to Africans and Pakistani’s by the thousands. Most of these Pakistan people are Muslims. They appreciate everything they receive, but especially the books. WE are literally reaching the poor with the ‘living bread’ in our latter days as never before. According to God’s view, we count our blessings by ‘seed sown’, – not in what we receive. Receiving comes natural after sowing.

                                               LETTER FROM PUNJAB,PAKISTAN

Dear pastor Gerald Davis, Greetings from Punjab Pakistan…we need at east 500 copies    of both publications in Urdu language…our nearly 500 students will receive Bachelor and Master degrees in December and January…we will be very thankful if you can help our seminary with such soul-saving, refreshing and encouraging publications.

Rev/Dr. Asghar/ principal of Word Bible Seminary – Punjab, Pakistan

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They are so thankful for the books. We get lots of feedback showing their appreciation.


            U-TUBE CHANNEL

GERALD DAVIS MINISTRIES is now available on U-tube. Five video sermons are available there on SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES and others about DEBT FREE LIVING plus more. Because of these revelations, we haven’t had to borrow money since 1987. I plan to be adding fifteen minute videos weekly to these online messages, available for all to see. 

Just go to U tube and type in my name. 

Your prayers and partnership are what makes these outreaches possible. THANK YOU!



Prayer changes things. My prayer schedule on Sunday mornings has resumed, – 9:00 AM to 9:30. Skype radio station BPN. Can You pray with me then? We need to be in travail concerning the state of our nation. Let me agree with you on matters that you are dealing with. Write me at email gerald@geralddavis.org, or use the envelope enclosed. I will answer you and give you my words and prayer. Our partners are welcome to call me at 713 805 2289. My website is: www.geralddavisministries.org

I love you and I pray daily for you, 

Your friend, partner and evangelist for our Lord,

A picture containing textDescription automatically generated
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A person smiling for the cameraDescription automatically generated with medium confidence
A person and person posing for a pictureDescription automatically generated with low confidence


My dearest friends and partners,

We were born the same year, 1936. We married in 1954. When we got married God made us one. After 69 years together, with two sons, five grands and 17 great grands, I given her to heaven,- ahead of me. Now half of me is in heaven where she waits for her other half to arrive. Aside from my salvation, which she had a strong part in, she was the greatest and best gift that God ever gave to me.

Thelma left us on August 21st.

Until I arrive there, I will continue to do the will of our Lord, and minister in one form or another. Aside from the rough road I am now traveling, with her gone,

I am physically doing OK. The Lords presence is with me so close. What would I do if I didn’t know where she was?  So,- “until then MY HEART will go on singing. Until then, with JOY I’ll  carry on. Until the day my eyes behold that city,- until that day He calls ME home.” 

Then I’ll live with my beautiful Thelma for all eternity…..


                        MY CALLING

“The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance…” There is no such thing as retirement from the calling of God. We adjust in the methods we use according to our physical,  social and monetary abilities. You who are along in years, have no problem understanding that. At age 86, I severely miss the speaking engagements that I enjoyed doing for 53 years.

 But, – now I have many of those God given messages in books and periodicals that I have written over those years. 


Our books are being translated, printed and distributed free of charge (thanks to our partners) to Africans and Pakistani’s by the thousands. Most of these Pakistan people are Muslims. They appreciate everything they receive, but especially the books. WE are literally reaching the poor with the ‘living bread’ in our latter days as never before. According to God’s view, we count our blessings by ‘seed sown’, – not in what we receive. Receiving comes natural after sowing.

                                               LETTER FROM PUNJAB,PAKISTAN

Dear pastor Gerald Davis, Greetings from Punjab Pakistan…we need at east 500 copies    of both publications in Urdu language…our nearly 500 students will receive Bachelor and Master degrees in December and January…we will be very thankful if you can help our seminary with such soul-saving, refreshing and encouraging publications.

Rev/Dr. Asghar/ principal of Word Bible Seminary – Punjab, Pakistan

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They are so thankful for the books. We get lots of feedback showing their appreciation.


            U-TUBE CHANNEL

GERALD DAVIS MINISTRIES is now available on U-tube. Five video sermons are available there on SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES and others about DEBT FREE LIVING plus more. Because of these revelations, we haven’t had to borrow money since 1987. I plan to be adding fifteen minute videos weekly to these online messages, available for all to see. 

Just go to U tube and type in my name. 

Your prayers and partnership are what makes these outreaches possible. THANK YOU!



Prayer changes things. My prayer schedule on Sunday mornings has resumed, – 9:00 AM to 9:30. Skype radio station BPN. Can You pray with me then? We need to be in travail concerning the state of our nation. Let me agree with you on matters that you are dealing with. Write me at email gerald@geralddavis.org, or use the envelope enclosed. I will answer you and give you my words and prayer. Our partners are welcome to call me at 713 805 2289. My website is: www.geralddavisministries.org

I love you and I pray daily for you, 

Your friend, partner and evangelist for our Lord,

Gerald Davis


Gerald Davis 

Gerald Davis 

Your donations will recieve a tax deductible receipt. We pray daily for our partners during this pandemic attack on our nation. We freely give..


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