“There they were in great fear, where no fear was. For God has scattered the bones of him that encamped against you.” (Psalm 53:5)

“It is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you.” (II Thessalonians 1:6)

Our president called for a National Day of Prayer on March 15, to ask God to help us in this virus attack against our health here in America.

Bible believers have a place of shelter from these Satanic (any kind) of attacks against our well being. Take a look at- HOW IT WORKS…!

In that great and highly loved chapter of Psalm 91 there are FOUR PARTS, – 



PART TWO is the first three words in VERSE 2,-

PART THREE begins in VERSE 2b, through verse 13.

Part four is VERSES 14, 15 and 16,- THE WORDS OF GOD



Verse one is a CONDITIONAL PROMISE! Read it for yourself. If I stay in the ‘SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH’ (God), I can abide in the “SHADOW (protection) OF THE ALMIGHTY.” This clearly defines a covering of protection from outside threats.

OK! – Now I need to know the “SECRET PLACE” so I can be sure to stay (abide) there.


..is the first three words in verse 2, “I WILL SAY...” This is the ‘BIG SECRET’. The big secret is in how I choose to speak about my future. I will ‘set up’ my future by the words that I choose to use. “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” It is called “a little fire… that will set on fire ‘THE COURSE ONATURE’…” ( James 3) A fascinating choice of words by the disciple James, and so descriptive.

Notice THIS: It isn’t so much what other ears hear me say,- it is what ‘God and our spiritual enemy, Satan,’ hears me say. If I say fearful, doubt filled and negative things about ‘what might go wrong,’ as in ‘anticipating bad things’ it gives occasion for the enemy to ‘pull it off.’ He lies wait to ‘catch us’ in our words. Solomon put it like this; “Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.” If you know the secret to walking in the benefits declared in Psalm 91,- but don’t do it, you are compared to a bird who flew directly into the net and are captured. We are “snared by the words of our mouth.” Solomon

Now on the contrary,- Jesus healed a woman who contended for what she wanted, He said this to her; “Woman, ‘for this saying,‘ go your way, your daughter is made whole.” Jesus is called “the High priest of our confession.” He takes whatever ‘we say’ and goes to the Father with it to intercede for us according to what ‘we say.’ Faith speaks according to Davids confession in verses 2 through 13. Doubt speaks otherwise.

PART THREE; Verses 2 through 13 – 

These are the words of a man. They are not the words of God. The words of God are verses 14 through 16. But God’s words are in response to the words of a man. Read the words of David in verses 2 though 13 and see if your conversation matches that. It is “the course of nature.” The words that David spoke here are the kind of words that move the heart of God toward us. They spoke of his total confidence in the God he loved and served. Put yourself in God’s position here and see how it would make you feel to hear words of confidence in you like that. Now – can you see “THE SECRET?” Here is a closing verse for those who have made the scriptures ‘the last word’ on what you believe;

“...to him that orders ‘his conversation’ aright, will I show the salvation of God.” (Psalm 50:23) – THE SECRET PLACE IS IN OUR MOUTH!

PART FOUR; verses 14 through 16 –

God responding to David’s words begins with; “Because he has set his love upon me (shown his total confidence and trust) and because he understands what my NAME means (has absolute faith in me). He can call on me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble ( troubled times )…. I will deliver him …and will let him live until he is satisfied, and show him MY SALVATION.” He didn’t promise to keep him from ever having trouble, but He promised “to be with him ‘in trouble.” The scriptures record that David “died full of years and also… ‘very rich.

We have promises from God that He will heal us, and help us through tough times. There are ‘preventive promises‘, and there are ‘corrective promises.‘ The words of David in this chapter are ‘preventive words.‘ If you are watching your mouth and something happens that were not according to your preventive words, then thank God you can call on Him, and He will respond and bring you out of your troubled situation, and without the “smell of smoke on you” (re: the three Hebrew children cast into the fire.)

I encourage you to forward this to a friend. People need spiritual input and encouragement right now.



(You should read this again and maybe again)


I pray these thoughts on Psalm 91 are helpful to you as we deal with this pandemic threat. Gerald Davis needs a few more partners who can help me as I continue to write and minister faith to God’s people. We do indeed live in troubled times. Use Pay Pal or the US mail. – 9955 Tulip St. Conroe, Texas 77385 – and Thank You! Your partnership makes you family. I pray for you and I will send you a book titled ‘BUT WHAT ABOUT (the man) JOB’ – to show our gratitude. * GD


“There they were in great fear, where no fear was. For God has scattered the bones of him that encamped against you.” (Psalm 53:5)

Our president called for a National Day of Prayer on March 15, to ask God to help us in this virus attack against our health here in America.

Bible believers have a place of shelter from these kind of attacks. Take a look at- HOW IT WORKS…!

In that great and highly loved chapter of Psalm 91 there are FOUR PARTS 


PART TWO is the first three words in VERSE 2,-

PART THREE begins in VERSE 2b, through verse 13.

Part four is VERSES 14,15 and 16.


Verse one is a CONDITIONAL PROMISE! Read it for yourself. If I stay in the ‘SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH’ (God), I can abide in the “SHADOW (protection) OF THE ALMIGHTY.” This clearly defines a covering of protection from outside threats.

OK! – Now I need to know the “SECRET PLACE” so I can be sure to stay there.


..is the first three words in verse 2, “I WILL SAY...” This is the ‘BIG SECRET’. It is in how I choose to speak about my future. I will ‘set up’ my future by the words that I choose to use. “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” It is called “a little fire… that will set on fire ‘THE COURSE ONATURE’…” ( James 3) A fascinating choice of words by the disciple James, and so descriptive.

Notice THIS: It isn’t so much what other ears hear me say,- it is what ‘God and our spiritual enemy, Satan,’ hears me say. If I say fearful, doubt filled and negative things about ‘what might go wrong,’ as in ‘anticipating bad things’ it gives occasion for the enemy to ‘pull it off.’ He lies wait to ‘catch us’ in our words. Solomon put it like this; “Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.” If you know the secret to walking in the benefits declared in Psalm 91,- but don’t do it, you are compared to a bird who flew directly into the net and are captured. We are “snared by the words of our mouth.” Solomon

Now on the contrary,- Jesus healed a woman who contended for what she wanted, He said this to her; “Woman, ‘for this saying,‘ go your way, your daughter is made whole.” Jesus is called “the High priest of our confession.” He takes whatever ‘we say’ and goes to the Father with it to intercede for us according to what ‘we say.’ Faith speaks according to Davids confession in verses 2 through 13. Doubt speaks otherwise.

PART THREE; Verses 2 through 13 – 

These are the words of a man. They are not the words of God. The words of God are verses 14 through 16. But God’s words are in response to the words of a man. Read the words of David in verses 2 though 13 and see if your conversation matches that. It is “the course of nature.” The words that David spoke here are the kind of words that move the heart of God toward us. They spoke of his total confidence in the God he loved and served. Put yourself in God’s position here and see how it would make you feel to hear words of confidence in you like that. Now – can you see “THE SECRET?” Here is a closing verse for those who have made the scriptures ‘the last word’ on what you believe;

“...to him that orders ‘his conversation’ aright, will I show the salvation of God.” (Psalm 50:23) – THE SECRET PLACE IS IN OUR MOUTH!

PART FOUR; verses 14 through 16 –

God responding to David’s words begins with; “Because he has set his love upon me (shown his total confidence and trust) and because he understands what my NAME means (has absolute faith in me). He can call on me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble ( troubled times )…. I will deliver him …and will let him live until he is satisfied, and show him MY SALVATION.” He didn’t promise to keep him from ever having trouble, but He promised “to be with him ‘in trouble.” The scriptures record that David “died full of years and also… ‘very rich.

We have promises from God that He will heal us, and help us through tough times. There are ‘preventive promises‘, and there are ‘corrective promises.‘ The words of David in this chapter are ‘preventive words.‘ If you are watching your mouth and something happens that were not according to your preventive words, then thank God you can call on Him, and He will respond and bring you out of your troubled situation, and without the “smell of smoke on you” so to speak.

I encourage you to forward this to a friend. People need spiritual input and encouragement right now.



(You should read this again and maybe again)


I pray these thoughts on Psalm 91 are helpful to you as we deal with this pandemic threat. Gerald Davis needs a few more partners who can help me as I continue to write and minister faith to God’s people. We do indeed live in troubled times. Use Pay Pal or the US mail. – 9955 Tulip St. Conroe, Texas 77385 – and Thank You! Your partnership makes you family. I pray for you and I will send you a book titled ‘BUT WHAT ABOUT (the man) JOB’ – to show our gratitude. * GD


“There they were in great fear, where no fear was. For God has scattered the bones of him that encamped against you.” (Psalm 53:5)

Our president called for a National Day of Prayer on March 15, to ask God to help us in this virus attack against our health here in America.

Bible believers have a place of shelter from these kind of attacks. Take a look at- HOW IT WORKS…!

In that great and highly loved chapter of Psalm 91 there are FOUR PARTS 


PART TWO is the first three words in VERSE 2,-

PART THREE begins in VERSE 2b, through verse 13.

Part four is VERSES 14,15 and 16.


Verse one is a CONDITIONAL PROMISE! Read it for yourself. If I stay in the ‘SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH’ (God), I can abide in the “SHADOW (protection) OF THE ALMIGHTY.” This clearly defines a covering of protection from outside threats.

OK! – Now I need to know the “SECRET PLACE” so I can be sure to stay there.


..is the first three words in verse 2, “I WILL SAY...” This is the ‘BIG SECRET’. It is in how I choose to speak about my future. I will ‘set up’ my future by the words that I choose to use. “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” It is called “a little fire… that will set on fire ‘THE COURSE ONATURE’…” ( James 3) A fascinating choice of words by the disciple James, and so descriptive.

Notice THIS: It isn’t so much what other ears hear me say,- it is what ‘God and our spiritual enemy, Satan,’ hears me say. If I say fearful, doubt filled and negative things about ‘what might go wrong,’ as in ‘anticipating bad things’ it gives occasion for the enemy to ‘pull it off.’ He lies wait to ‘catch us’ in our words. Solomon put it like this; “Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.” If you know the secret to walking in the benefits declared in Psalm 91,- but don’t do it, you are compared to a bird who flew directly into the net and are captured. We are “snared by the words of our mouth.” Solomon

Now on the contrary,- Jesus healed a woman who contended for what she wanted, He said this to her; “Woman, ‘for this saying,‘ go your way, your daughter is made whole.” Jesus is called “the High priest of our confession.” He takes whatever ‘we say’ and goes to the Father with it to intercede for us according to what ‘we say.’ Faith speaks according to Davids confession in verses 2 through 13. Doubt speaks otherwise.

PART THREE; Verses 2 through 13 – 

These are the words of a man. They are not the words of God. The words of God are verses 14 through 16. But God’s words are in response to the words of a man. Read the words of David in verses 2 though 13 and see if your conversation matches that. It is “the course of nature.” The words that David spoke here are the kind of words that move the heart of God toward us. They spoke of his total confidence in the God he loved and served. Put yourself in God’s position here and see how it would make you feel to hear words of confidence in you like that. Now – can you see “THE SECRET?” Here is a closing verse for those who have made the scriptures ‘the last word’ on what you believe;

“...to him that orders ‘his conversation’ aright, will I show the salvation of God.” (Psalm 50:23) – THE SECRET PLACE IS IN OUR MOUTH!

PART FOUR; verses 14 through 16 –

God responding to David’s words begins with; “Because he has set his love upon me (shown his total confidence and trust) and because he understands what my NAME means (has absolute faith in me). He can call on me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble ( troubled times )…. I will deliver him …and will let him live until he is satisfied, and show him MY SALVATION.” He didn’t promise to keep him from ever having trouble, but He promised “to be with him ‘in trouble.” The scriptures record that David “died full of years and also… ‘very rich.

We have promises from God that He will heal us, and help us through tough times. There are ‘preventive promises‘, and there are ‘corrective promises.‘ The words of David in this chapter are ‘preventive words.‘ If you are watching your mouth and something happens that were not according to your preventive words, then thank God you can call on Him, and He will respond and bring you out of your troubled situation, and without the “smell of smoke on you” so to speak.

I encourage you to forward this to a friend. People need spiritual input and encouragement right now.



(You should read this again and maybe again)


I pray these thoughts on Psalm 91 are helpful to you as we deal with this pandemic threat. Gerald Davis needs a few more partners who can help me as I continue to write and minister faith to God’s people. We do indeed live in troubled times. Use Pay Pal or the US mail. – 9955 Tulip St. Conroe, Texas 77385 – and Thank You! Your partnership makes you family. I pray for you and I will send you a book titled ‘BUT WHAT ABOUT (the man) JOB’ – to show our gratitude. * GD


“There they were in great fear, where no fear was. For God has scattered the bones of him that encamped against you.” (Psalm 53:5)

Our president called for a National Day of Prayer on March 15, to ask God to help us in this virus attack against our health here in America.

Bible believers have a place of shelter from these kind of attacks. Take a look at- HOW IT WORKS…!

In that great and highly loved chapter of Psalm 91 there are FOUR PARTS 


PART TWO is the first three words in VERSE 2,-

PART THREE begins in VERSE 2b, through verse 13.

Part four is VERSES 14,15 and 16.


Verse one is a CONDITIONAL PROMISE! Read it for yourself. If I stay in the ‘SECRET PLACE OF THE MOST HIGH’ (God), I can abide in the “SHADOW (protection) OF THE ALMIGHTY.” This clearly defines a covering of protection from outside threats.

OK! – Now I need to know the “SECRET PLACE” so I can be sure to stay there.


..is the first three words in verse 2, “I WILL SAY...” This is the ‘BIG SECRET’. It is in how I choose to speak about my future. I will ‘set up’ my future by the words that I choose to use. “The power of life and death is in the tongue.” It is called “a little fire… that will set on fire ‘THE COURSE ONATURE’…” ( James 3) A fascinating choice of words by the disciple James, and so descriptive.

Notice THIS: It isn’t so much what other ears hear me say,- it is what ‘God and our spiritual enemy, Satan,’ hears me say. If I say fearful, doubt filled and negative things about ‘what might go wrong,’ as in ‘anticipating bad things’ it gives occasion for the enemy to ‘pull it off.’ He lies wait to ‘catch us’ in our words. Solomon put it like this; “Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.” If you know the secret to walking in the benefits declared in Psalm 91,- but don’t do it, you are compared to a bird who flew directly into the net and are captured. We are “snared by the words of our mouth.” Solomon

Now on the contrary,- Jesus healed a woman who contended for what she wanted, He said this to her; “Woman, ‘for this saying,‘ go your way, your daughter is made whole.” Jesus is called “the High priest of our confession.” He takes whatever ‘we say’ and goes to the Father with it to intercede for us according to what ‘we say.’ Faith speaks according to Davids confession in verses 2 through 13. Doubt speaks otherwise.

PART THREE; Verses 2 through 13 – 

These are the words of a man. They are not the words of God. The words of God are verses 14 through 16. But God’s words are in response to the words of a man. Read the words of David in verses 2 though 13 and see if your conversation matches that. It is “the course of nature.” The words that David spoke here are the kind of words that move the heart of God toward us. They spoke of his total confidence in the God he loved and served. Put yourself in God’s position here and see how it would make you feel to hear words of confidence in you like that. Now – can you see “THE SECRET?” Here is a closing verse for those who have made the scriptures ‘the last word’ on what you believe;

“...to him that orders ‘his conversation’ aright, will I show the salvation of God.” (Psalm 50:23) – THE SECRET PLACE IS IN OUR MOUTH!

PART FOUR; verses 14 through 16 –

God responding to David’s words begins with; “Because he has set his love upon me (shown his total confidence and trust) and because he understands what my NAME means (has absolute faith in me). He can call on me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble ( troubled times )…. I will deliver him …and will let him live until he is satisfied, and show him MY SALVATION.” He didn’t promise to keep him from ever having trouble, but He promised “to be with him ‘in trouble.” The scriptures record that David “died full of years and also… ‘very rich.

We have promises from God that He will heal us, and help us through tough times. There are ‘preventive promises‘, and there are ‘corrective promises.‘ The words of David in this chapter are ‘preventive words.‘ If you are watching your mouth and something happens that were not according to your preventive words, then thank God you can call on Him, and He will respond and bring you out of your troubled situation, and without the “smell of smoke on you” so to speak.

I encourage you to forward this to a friend. People need spiritual input and encouragement right now.



(You should read this again and maybe again)


I pray these thoughts on Psalm 91 are helpful to you as we deal with this pandemic threat. Gerald Davis needs a few more partners who can help me as I continue to write and minister faith to God’s people. We do indeed live in troubled times. Use Pay Pal or the US mail. – 9955 Tulip St. Conroe, Texas 77385 – and Thank You! Your partnership makes you family. I pray for you and I will send you a book titled ‘BUT WHAT ABOUT (the man) JOB’ – to show our gratitude. * GD

Your donations will recieve a tax deductible receipt. We pray daily for our partners during this pandemic attack on our nation. We freely give..


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