Isaiah 40:1
Greetings to our God given friends and partners,
Our beloved America is in a mess. Appearances are not good! This is not a news report. You already know about that.
Before I sat down to connect with you, the above words in Isaiah 40 kept lingering in my spirit. The following is what I feel…
I just finished reading Psalm 119. Throughout the longest chapter in the bible, David, who is called “the man after God’s own heart”, was reassuring the Lord that His Word (laws) was the most precious thing in his life.
But he kept referring to his afflictions and how they had been ‘good for him’.
“Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but now I have kept thy word…” v.67
“It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes…” v.71
“Consider mine affliction, and deliver me…” v.153
“This is my comfort in my affliction: … thy word has quickened me.” (taught me something). V.50
It has been said, “Experience is the best teacher.” I agree that pain of shortages, social issues and physical problems etcetera, does get our attention. But a ‘correction in our course’ comes from information. We pay attention when we hurt.
Does God create hurt? Answer: He doesn’t have to. It just happens when I am in violation of His created laws. If I stump my little toe while walking in the dark, – it hurts. No condemnation here…we all “fail and come short.” While we God fearing people repent, – some do not! Remember hardheaded, hardhearted Pharaoh!
I know you love America as I do. God judges a disobedient nation just as He does an individual.
There have been too many willful departures from the laws of the creator in this nation.
I think America is experiencing the hurt from the following violations.
1. Abortions unabated, and the sale of baby parts. (Read Psalm 139)
2. Sexual deviations and violations arranged for and approved by people who should know better.
3. Plus, consider the laws that promote other Gods and their worship in this Christian nation.
4. And now, an open lack of respect for the word of God whereon we were founded, – and a lack of respect for His church! (Mandated church closures)
Until the above mentioned are corrected, afflictions may continue to increase.
Now about YOU AND ME, who love and fear God in this nation.
We can draw encouragement from the experiences of the Israeli’s.
God did not forsake them in their affliction. When Egypt was experiencing the plagues, – God’s people were exempt and protected, even though they were among those who were being judged.
Stay with your group.
Put the blood of Jesus over your door posts, etc. (It is more powerful than any vaccine)
Stay in Goshen, (close connection with God) – the food is plentiful there, and it is light there while others are in darkness.
“Will not the judge of all the earth do right”?
Stay tight with the scriptures. (God meant what He said, – He doesn’t change.)
Keep up the tithe
Be a liberal soul in your giving. Listen to the Holy Ghost. God is our source!
Maintain a strong prayer life. Pray for us, – we are daily praying for you according to 3rd John 2 and Psalm 91
Keep a positive mouth concerning your issues and the promises of God.
Our Father never runs out of supply. Remember the manna and the quail in the wilderness! “For we live by faith, – not by sight.”
I pray you are COMFORTED by these words. God will never abandon His own.
Join me for prayer on the radio at 8:00 to 8:30 every Sunday morning, – for 30 minutes of travailing prayer. Using SKYPE app. – type in to BPN Radio- channel 2. I will ask you to agree with me as I pray for 30 minutes over and for, our nation.
The free book ministry continues to overseas destinations. I still receive requests from Africa for the book SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES. Postage has strongly increased to these foreign destinations. God is not surprised by this, and He is up to it. It is just a challenge to our faith.
I have just sent another deposit for the Pakistan distribution of the book translated into Urdu titled; SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES?. They are under great stress by the Muslim powers there. Pray for these people as you give your monies to help me distribute these books. We go through open doors! There is much persecution and imprisonment to the Christians there!
Our website is www.geralddavisministries.org. Free books to our partners on request. Your choice from our bookstore. Our email address is gerald@geralddavis.org for personal communication. I will respond to you on your prayer needs or just to answer any questions you may have.
We love our friends and partners.
Let’s rejoice – we’re going to be just fine,
Gerald Davis
Isaiah 40:1
Greetings to our God given friends and partners,
Our beloved America is in a mess. Appearances are not good! This is not a news report. You already know about that.
Before I sat down to connect with you, the above words in Isaiah 40 kept lingering in my spirit. The following is what I feel…
I just finished reading Psalm 119. Throughout the longest chapter in the bible, David, who is called “the man after God’s own heart”, was reassuring the Lord that His Word (laws) was the most precious thing in his life.
But he kept referring to his afflictions and how they had been ‘good for him’.
“Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but now I have kept thy word…” v.67
“It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes…” v.71
“Consider mine affliction, and deliver me…” v.153
“This is my comfort in my affliction: … thy word has quickened me.” (Taught me something). V.50
It has been said, “Experience is the best teacher.” I agree that pain of shortages, social issues and physical problems etcetera, does get our attention. But a ‘correction in our course’ comes from information. We pay attention when we hurt.
Does God create hurt? Answer: He doesn’t have to. It just happens when I am in violation of His created laws. If I stump my little toe while walking in the dark, – it hurts. No condemnation here…we all “fail and come short.” While we who honor God repent, – some do not! Remember hardheaded, hardhearted Pharaoh!
I know you love America as I do. God judges a disobedient nation just as He does an individual.
There have been too many willful departures from the laws of the creator in this nation.
I think America is experiencing the hurt from the following violations.
1. Abortions unabated, and the sale of baby parts. (Read Psalm 139)
2. Sexual deviations and violations arranged for and approved by people who should know better.
3. Plus, consider the laws that promote other God’s and their worship in this Christian nation.
4. And now, an open lack of respect for the word of God whereon we were founded, – and a lack of respect for His church! (Mandated church closures)
Until the above mentioned are corrected, afflictions may continue to increase.
Now about YOU AND ME, who love and fear God in this nation.
We can draw encouragement from the experiences of the Israeli’s.
God did not forsake them in their affliction. When Egypt was experiencing the plagues, – God’s people were exempt and protected, even though they were among those who were being judged.
Stay with your group.
Put the blood of Jesus over your door posts, etc. (It is more powerful than any vaccine)
Stay in Goshen, (close connection with God) – the food is plentiful there, and it is light there while others are in darkness.
“Will not the judge of all the earth do right”?
Stay tight with the scriptures. (God meant what He said, – He doesn’t change.)
Keep up the tithe
Be a liberal soul in your giving. Listen to the Holy Ghost. God is our source!
Maintain a strong prayer life. Pray for us, – we are daily praying for you according to 3rd John 2 and Psalm 91
Keep a positive mouth concerning your issues and the promises of God.
Our Father never runs out of supply. Remember the manna and the quail in the wilderness! “For we live by faith, – not by sight.”
I pray you are COMFORTED by these words. God will never abandon His own.
Join me for prayer on the radio at 8:00 to 8:30 every Sunday morning, – for 30 minutes of travailing prayer. Using SKYPE app. – type in to BPN Radio- channel 2. I will ask you to agree with me as I pray for 30 minutes over and for, our nation.
The free book ministry continues to overseas destinations. I still receive requests from Africa (7 in one day) for the book SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES. Postage has strongly increased to these foreign destinations. God is not surprised by this, and He is up to it. It is just a challenge to our faith.
I have just sent another deposit for the Pakistan distribution of the book translated into Urdu titled; SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES. They are under great stress by the Muslim powers there. Pray for these people as you give your monies to help me distribute these books. We go through open doors! There is much persecution and imprisonment to the Christians there!
Our website is www.geralddavisministries.org. Free books to our partners on request. Your choice from our bookstore. Our email address is gerald@geralddavis.org for personal communication. I will respond to you on your prayer needs or just to answer any questions you may have.
We love our friends and partners.
Let’s rejoice – we’re going to be just fine,
Gerald Davis