Greetings to you our dear email friends,
I am sure you have heard the expression “At the tipping point” or “at the precipice.”
As you know, I am not a politician. I am a bible preacher/teacher and have been for 65 years plus.
We now have leadership in America that has voted God out of their platform ‘twice’ in their 2012 convention.
According to the scriptures, and the principles of christian living, we did go over the precipice, or the tipping point at the last election – from all appearances? When aligning those happenings with the scriptures, you could say; “America is now running in reverse, with the pedal to the metal.” There are no natural blockages in view to prevent any rules or laws that these anti-God leaders are preparing, now that they control all three branches of our government.
So where are we now in this God-fearing nation that we were established to be, and have enjoyed for the last 240 plus years? Things didn’t happen in the way patriotic minds were praying and believing at the last two elections, national and state. We felt that we had been spared when the election of 2016 occurred. But then in 2020…?
QUESTION: How can God’s favor rest on a leadership that openly rejected Him on national television?
1st SAMUEL 1-7
In my last partner letter, I shared how the Philistines (opponents of God) captured the Ark of the Covenant and were then in total control of the people of God. We will make the comparison of then and now. After five days following the election, of frustration, meditation and prayer, I KNEW that I had a word from God to help us understand better where we are now in America. To Israel, it appeared that God had abandoned His people and allowed the enemies of God to take total control. I think many felt that way now about Christian America following this election. But hold on,- dreadful things began to happen among the opponents of God. (Read 1st Samuel Chapters 1 – 7.) Those developments there did two things…
- It taught the enemies of God a lesson they would never forget about opposing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, – who had a covenant with God.
- And, – it brought a great restoration and revival to the people of God who had abandoned their respect for the rules and laws of God. America has drifted into an ocean of disobedience to God Almighty. Now, under this anti-god leadership, – we have a faulty engine and have no anchor! (Let the reader meditate)
I pray my point is clear to you. Our Heavenly Father sees what we can’t see. I boldly declare; – He has not turned a deaf ear to the prayers of His people in America. He promised to heal our land.
How He does it, and how long it takes will be according to His wisdom. But if we believe the scriptures, we know it will happen! – Consider Israel and that experience!
Our position and posture are to “rejoice, and again I say rejoice,” for all these things that appear in the natural are not as they seem to be. Our Father is up to something that could cause the very hair on our head to stand on end. Or it could be developments that we don’t even hear announced or talked about. We believe the bible! God’s word has never failed us yet. Get ready for some miracles and for some supernatural happenings. I see beyond appearances, – I see the hand of God moving. Will you believe it? Whether His return is now or some other kind of intervention, – let’s just ‘stay in faith’ and be happy. “FEAR NOT,” “Stand still (firm in faith) and watch for the ‘salvation of the lord’.” SELAH!
THE CROWN OF THORNS book is being distributed in Pakistan. This pastor has distributed more than 500 of these books now in the Urdu language. The average cost to us at this point is approximately $1.45 cents per copy. This includes translation costs, paper, printing and distributing. Letters of appreciation are coming back to this pastor about the blessing it is to them.
The following is a partial ‘thank you’ note that I received from the leading heart surgeon in Conroe, Texas after receiving a copy of this book.
Dear Gerald,
Thanks for sending me THE CROWN OF THORNS…
Our Lord works in so many ways.
The day I received your letter and book I was really feeling low.
Faced with making decisions which were difficult for me.
I started reading the book and was freed from my troubling thoughts.
Again, thanks for the letter and THE CROWN OF THORNS book.
Sincerely, Connie Hutton
Note: Dr Hutton did open heart surgery on me in 1992, and carotid artery surgery on both sides of my neck in the last 7 years. He also has such a pleasant personality. I recommend him 100%.
If you don’t have a copy of this book, just request it and I will send you one. No charge to our email friends .
I do ministry through free distribution of our 9 books, plus some sales via the website. I serve younger ministries by phone counseling and by serving on some church boards. I still speak some within driving range. I also write a blog that is sent out to about 400 email contacts. I pray my writings are helpful to our friends.
I pray daily for our partners who share with us in distributing books and other materials. Please join with me in prayer that God will give us an increase to move this message of ‘faith and winning’ to more people both in our country and in other parts of the world.
Note: I pray each Sunday morning on BPN Radio channel two, from 8am to 8:30am. Get it through SKYPE. This station is owned by Dale and Jean Gentry Ministries in Austin, Texas. It reaches over 130 countries. This station is committed to praying around the clock. I hope you can join me in prayer during that hour.
I have made some helpful changes on our website. www.geralddavisministries.org. You can email me at gerald@geralddavis.org for personal communication. Some people are using Pay Pal to share funds with us. Square is also available from our website. Blessings in abundance are promised to we who care and share…
Your partner for saving souls and “feeding His sheep,”
Gerald Davis
Greetings to you our dear friends and partners,
I am sure you have heard the expression “At the tipping point” or “at the precipice.”
As you know, I am not a politician. I am a bible preacher/teacher and have been for 65 years plus.
We now have leadership in America that has voted God out of their platform twice in their 2012 convention.
In my view, we did go over the precipice, or the tipping point at the last election – from all appearances?? When aligning it with the scriptures, America is now running in reverse, with the pedal to the metal, in the wrong direction as a nation. There are no natural blockages in view to prevent any rules or laws that these anti-God leaders are preparing.
So where are we now in this God-fearing nation that we were established to be, and have enjoyed for the last 240 plus years? Things didn’t happen in the way we were praying and believing at the last two elections, national and state. We felt that we had been spared when the election of 2016 occurred. But then…
In my last partner letter, I shared how the Philistines (opponents of God) captured the Ark of the Covenant and were then in total control of the people of God. I KNEW that it was a word from God to help us understand better where we are now in America. To Israel, it appeared that God had abandoned His people and allowed the enemies of God to take total control. But-dreadful things began to happen among the opponents of God. (Read 1st Samuel Chapters 1 – 7.) Those developments there did two things…
- It taught the enemies of God a lesson they would never forget about opposing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
- And-it brought a great restoration and revival to the people of God who had abandoned their respect for the rules and laws of God. America has drifted into an ocean of disobedience to God Almighty. Now, under this leadership, – we have no anchor! (Let the reader meditate)
I pray my point is clear to you. Our Heavenly Father sees what we can’t see. He has not turned a deaf ear to the prayers of His people in America. He promised to heal our land.
How He does it, and how long it takes will be according to His wisdom. But if we believe the scriptures, we know it will happen! Consider Israel!
Our position and posture are to “rejoice, and again I say rejoice,” for all these things that appear in the natural are not as they seem to be. Our Father is up to something that could cause the very hair on our head to stand on end. Or it could be developments that we don’t even hear announced or talked about. We believe the bible! God’s word has never failed us yet. Get ready for some miracles and for some supernatural happenings. I see beyond appearances, – I see the hand of God moving. Will you believe it? Whether His return is now or some other kind of intervention, – let’s just ‘stay in faith’ and be happy. “FEAR NOT,” “Stand still (firm in faith) and watch for the ‘salvation of the lord’.” SELAH!
Another picture of THE CROWN OF THORNS book being distributed in Pakistan. This pastor has distributed more than500 of these books now in the Urdu language. The average cost to us at this point is approximately $1.45 cents per copy.This includes translation costs, paper, printing and distributing. Letters of appreciation are coming back to this pastor about the blessing it is to them.
The following is a partial ‘thank you’ note that I received from the leading heart surgeon in Conroe, Texas after receiving a copy of this book.
Dear Gerald,
Thanks for sending me THE CROWN OF THORNS…
Our Lord works in so many ways.
The day I received your letter and book I was really feeling low.
Faced with making decisions which were difficult for me.
I started reading the book and was freed from my troubling thoughts
Again, thanks for the letter and THE CROWN OF THORNS book.
Sincerely, Connie Hutton
Note: Dr Hutton did open heart surgery on me in 1992, and carotid artery surgery on both sides of my neck in the last 7 years. He also has such a pleasant personality. I recommend him 100%.
If you don’t have a copy of this book, just request it and I will send you one. No charge to our friends and partners. MINISTRY
I do ministry through free distribution of our 9 books, plus some sales via the website. I serve younger ministries by phone counseling and by serving on some church boards. I still speak some within driving range. I also write a blog that is sent out to about 400 email contacts. I pray my writings are helpful to our email friends.
I pray daily for our partners who share with us in distributing books and other materials. Please join with me in prayer that God will give us increase to move this message of ‘faith and winning’ to more people, both in our country and in other parts of the world.
Note: I offer prayer each Sunday morning on BPN Radio channel two, from 8 am to 8:30 am. Get it through SKYPE. This station is owned by Dale and Jean Gentry Ministries in Austin, Texas. It reaches over 130 countries. This station is committed to praying around the clock. I hope you can join me in prayer during that hour.
I have made some helpful changes on our website. www.geralddavisministries.org. You can email me at gerald@geralddavis.org for personal communication. Some people are using Pay Pal to share funds with us. Square is also available from our website. Blessings in abundance are promised to we who care and share…
Your partner for saving souls and “feeding His sheep,”
Gerald Davis