My father RL Davis, my brother Burnie, me – Gerald, and my brother Richard Lorne. All preachers of the gospel.

                                       WHAT IS HAPPENING IN OUR NATION..?

This article is written for those who care.

The following is an illustration of what happens – WHEN ‘GOD REJECTORS’ TAKE THE CONTROLS…

 Compare this story in the bible with what happened in our recent election. It is located in 1st Samuel chapters 1 thru 7. (NIV) My thoughts will be listed in sequence as it plays out in this story. I recommend you read the story first. The ‘bullet points’ are the highlights…

  • They had a man sent from God; -1st Samuel (Ch. 1) – America had a ‘God fearing’ man for the last four years.
  • Abuse and disrespect for the rules of worship – The Israeli’s ’embraced and allowed’ for other God’s and their worship – consider the ‘other Gods’ and religions and their influence in our USA today.
  • Israel gained the frown of God and lost his favor… (v.27-35)
  • There was no discipline for sexual violations; (Ch. 2:22) – consider our own nations embrace of LGBTQ and more? God hates this,- as declared in both O.T and N.T…
  • God’s pattern of blessing on family generations ‘was adjusted’ to the obedience of each individual, with individual consequences-no more excuses! God’s judgement is just. Thankfully we are not judged by what others think or do. (Ch. 2:30-33)
  • God promised to speak to them through His word; (v.19) – That promise remains the same for us today. 
  • Their ‘anti-God’ enemies bold and face-on attack – (Ch. 4 :2-3) Consider the ‘now controlling’ party in America who dis-allowed God from their platform on national television in their 2012 convention, – then consider what has happened in our recent elections, both state and national. 
  • The Ark of God (containing the 10 commandments) was pulled out and used as a symbol or fetish in hope of a miracle, – and WAS THEN ‘TAKEN IN POSSESSION BY THE ANTI-GOD ENEMY’ in battle. The ‘anti-god’ people now hold the reins of power in America, – this Christian nation

Note: If people don’t embrace what is inside the bible, it doesn’t bring a blessing; – It brings judgement!

The Philistines ‘other god’s’ leadership, didn’t embrace what was written inside that ‘ark of the covenant.‘  Meditate the power of God’s Word – both to bless or to judge. (v. 10) 

  • The opponents of God were now in total control of God’s people and of the precious ‘tablets of stone.’ They were as shocked then as we may be today ‘following our recent elections of 2020.’
  • It appeared that God had forsaken them – (v.14-18) I have learned in my own life, that if things are not moving in the right direction for me, I start listening for God to help me make some changes in my thinking and in my direction. I heard this in my spirit on one occasion; “If you can keep the principles, I have no problem keeping my promises.” Example: If I can pay my tithe before I eat, I will seldom have a problem with the “good fight of faith.” I have proven to God that He is first!
  • Despair and fear overcame the people. Stress overcame the daughter-in-law of the high priest. She gave an untimely birth to a boy, – and named him Ichabod.  Meaning; “the glory of the lord has departed.” The favor of God is our single greatest asset. That favor will never rest on a leadership that openly and clearly rejects Him.
  • The ‘anti-god’ people got what they wanted, – then they didn’t ‘want what they got’. (Ch. 5:1-12) You should read it with a pensive mind and spirit! When anti-god people take the reins and begin to put unscriptural rules on God’s covenant people, (i.e, closing churches and etcetera..) – interesting things begin to happen. My thought: Christian America may have lost a battle, – but they haven’t lost the war. Christians live their lives in the spirit realm. They see beneath the surface. The spirit realm is where our battles are fought. NOBODY’S ARMS ARE LONG ENOUGH TO BOX WITH GOD. One writer of the scriptures declared of God; His ways are past finding out. We don’t know how God will do it, but we know He will never abandon His people. ‘Jesus people’ are called in the scriptures; The Israel of God.” They “keep the faith”,- they carry a sword and they “watch and pray”!
  • The ‘anti-god’ Philistines who were now in control of God’s people, began to pay a heavy price, both physical and material, until correction and reparations had been made. (Ch6; 1-21) A plague of ‘emerods,’ some thought it to be hemorrhoids or tumors, began to spread among the Philistines, (the anti-god controllers) and rulers over God’s covenant people. Note: If people walk in obedience to God and embrace His word“they are not as them who have no hope.” Christians should “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and “resist the devil.”  Satan wants to put diseases and afflictions on people. We resist him through prayer and deep resolve. NO is the best and most effective word we can use when speaking to the devil. We use our God given authority. Covid-19 is not a believers portion, nor is any other “plague that comes nigh my dwelling.” (Ps. 91) If people fight “the good fight of faith,” the Lord steps into it with them. Keep in mind, the spirit of fear” comes from the devil. It is not the path of a winner. God’s promise is clearresist the devil and he will flee from you.”
  • A great revival occurred in Israel – It only took 7 months for the anti-god people to seek for a way to hurriedly get ‘the ark’ back into the hands of God’s people. We go back to scriptural living. We “repent and turn from our wicked ways.” Nobody wants the curse!  Often it takes a little time for people to “see the light.” Miracles began to happen for God’s people, (v.10-14) thank God they never cease. But the miracles occurred during a time when the people were making sacrifices and offerings unto God. Does that concur and agree with your spirit and knowledge of God?  

I hope this parallel story registers with your spirit as it did mine. It gave me some calm as I studied it. I don’t have to know what God will do, or how He will do it, – I just need to know Him, – and agree with Him. He is a “rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Read ’11Chronicles 7:14′ again.

This message is ‘my heart to you’ in this difficult time for our nation



Our partners and friends have a heart for ‘reaching the unreached and telling the un-told.

Of the nine books I have written, these two books shown here are being translated (one finished and the other in process) and will be distributed free of charge to the Pakistani people. One book is titled THE CROWN OF THORNS and the other is titled SHOULD I SPEAK IN TONGUES. 

This dear pastor (pictured with another pastor) wrote to me asking permission to translate my books into the local (URDU) language. To show his sincerity and honesty, he sent me a hard copy of ‘The Crown of Thorns’ that he did at his own expense. He then asked me if I could help him with the cost of printing and distribution. I sent him some money for translating, printing costs and distributing the first book.

I am reaching out to our ministry partners, advising you of this open door to continue spreading the message of faith and fullness for believers according to 3rd John 2. (30-fold, 60-fold, or hundred-fold) and debt-free living. Many of our partners have been helped toward these benefits through our messages.

I need to raise $5,500 to help me and this pastor continue this “word of faith” message through these two books. I’ll let you know where we are with this project as time and work moves along. You can go to our website where PayPal is available, and other convenient online systems.

Now in my 85th year, I can say with King David“The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places.” Whatever our age or limitations, we can still go and minister the word of God to people with these tools/books, and some money. Yes,-we can still be a blessing! These books are given freely to hungry people. Our ministry covers the cost to help this pastor in printing and distributing these books. This pastor (Anil Jasper) is ‘our hands and our feet’ in Pakistan.

I Just got this information from a Christian news source; –

 Quote: “Christians in Pakistan… are facing violence and murder under ‘blasphemy without proof,’ which, under Pakistani archaic law, carries a death sentence.” Jesus Christ is the only ‘religion of love!’ Their national religion is fear and hate driven.

In these troubled times, let us “hold firm to those things that we have learned and been assured of.”

Gerald and Thelma Davis

The following is such a good word for now…it is what I practice.

(Galatians 6: 6-9) “Let him that is taught in the word…share with him who teaches. Never be deceived, God will not be mocked (called a liar.) What a man sows (gives away) are what he will reap (determines his income for the future) …He who sows to the spirit will reap everlasting life. And don’t grow weary (impatient) in doing good, in due season we will reap (receive) if we don’t lose heart (faint and give up.)  …as we have opportunity let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

Your donations will recieve a tax deductible receipt. We pray daily for our partners during this pandemic attack on our nation. We freely give..


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