“…people from all languages will take firm hold…of his robe and say;  ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”  (Zech.8:23)

When the old prophet Zechariah made that statement to some covenant people, it really gave me pause, and opened up a whole new level of meditation for me. 

QUESTION: What would make someone grab on to the shirt-tail of a person not of their own language, or ethnicity, and want to have what they have, and want to have their God.  It’s because they saw their success and connected it with their God.

QUESTION: – Is that really God’s dream for His people?

God knows human nature. That’s why He loves to bless His people. Success draws attention! What we are, and what we do speaks so much more effectively than any words we say. The man Paul, writer of most of the New Testament letters, when teaching people about  why Christ died, and what we have because of it; made this invitation to his followers:Follow me as I follow Christ.”

 Grab my shirt tail…! Paul was convinced that his success as a believer was tightly connected to his success in gaining followers. We people listen, – and then we watch! We’ve seen the results of the apostle Paul’s life and influence. When success is attached to godliness, – we see the greatest following. People want to be successful, loved and blessed.


While we watch the current of major opposition that President Trump has and is functioning under, we continue to watch his influence increase. Not only here in America, but around the world.

QUESTION: Is it his words that has brought this about? – I think not!  In fact, some of his words have made a lot of people angry. His record of success is what speaks for him the loudest?

I hope my point is clear to my reader by now. If we have what God Almighty wants us to have, and if we become what He wants us to be, we will never have trouble being an influence to people who are watching us, and then we can lead them to a better life. If you are like me, you like to read after people who have “been there and done that.” We never have to praise our own accomplishments. Just be! – and others will want what we have.


There are two things that will define us.

1. Our ‘patience’ when we are trying to climb up from the bottom;

2. Our ‘attitude‘ when we have reached to top!

If you have reached the top, there is no better way to spend the rest of your life than trying to help someone else get there too!


 To communicate with Gerald Davis directly you can email us at <Gerald@geralddavis.org>. I personally monitor this address. For our nine books, DVD’s or CD’s go to <geralddavisministries.org>. There is a free TV station there with messages by Gerald Davis. There are some free materials available there also to download.

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